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bodrin September 8th, 2011 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by Provos (Post 62265)
I had planed on using the Athas.org rules. I was checking to see if there was a "community" preferance. I havn't really thought about the Wild Talents. I assume that the srd psi and xph will contain enough options. I do not normally use any psionics in my games. This setting is the exception.

I have uploaded my race file to the User Projects section.

As an avid psionics supporter I have to agree that both psionics books cover most aspects of the dark sun psionics rules without adjusting too much.

Heck leave em alone as they'll just work as standard options, just tag your races or classes with the psionics tag which should allow psionics feats to be used.

Provos September 8th, 2011 09:05 AM

There is a To-do list with the problems I was having.

Dwarf Focus not sure if it can be added via dropdown for +1

+1 morale bonus on all checks directly related to their focus. This includes a skill bonus, an attack bonus, a damage bonus, or a saving throw bonus, or even a bonus to manifestation or spell save DCs.

How are racial weapon handled?

I looked at the Dwarf for an example but I saw no code or anything.

Elf skill bonus for perform not sure how to do

Elves recieve a +1 bonus to all perform skills and I do not think I should have to list them all.

ynnswa September 8th, 2011 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Provos (Post 62279)
Dwarf Focus not sure if it can be added via dropdown for +1

+1 morale bonus on all checks directly related to their focus. This includes a skill bonus, an attack bonus, a damage bonus, or a saving throw bonus, or even a bonus to manifestation or spell save DCs.

I'm relatively new to Hero Lab editing, so I'm not sure about the best way to handle a racial option like that. You could add a Special Ability for it where you could script the morale bonuses with something like:

#applybonus[BonMorale, hero.child[vWill, 2]

But as for the user entered text for the focus itself, I'm not that cool. The only way I know how to add a user entered field on a racial ability is to utilize the "Charge allows freeform text" option on the editor form.

Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can give a better assist on this one.


How are racial weapon handled?

I looked at the Dwarf for an example but I saw no code or anything.
It depends on what you mean by handled. You can assign weapons to the race making all members of the race automatically proficient. You can also assign a "group" to each weapon, thus identifying it as, for example, a dwarven weapon. That would let you then manipulate all members of the group in your code as needed. Does that address your issue?


Elf skill bonus for perform not sure how to do

Elves receive a +1 bonus to all perform skills and I do not think I should have to list them all.
You can manipulate all perform skills in code with AllPerform. For example:
#skillbonus[AllPerform] += 1


Provos September 8th, 2011 07:27 PM

Thanks for the Elf skill bonus help. I did not know there was a AllPerfom option. Where did you find that

By racial weapon I meant they count as martial instead of exotic.

The dwarven focus ability is a pain. I do not want to force the user to remember to add it manually. I did have the idea to make it a condition that is selectable but I am not sure how to do that.

RavenX September 8th, 2011 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Provos (Post 57465)
Dark Sun takes place on Athas. A planet in ruins from a war of great wizards. The environment has become very dessert like because the magic drew the life force out of the planet. It is kind of an apocalyptic situation only the strong are left.

The allowed races are different. Stat changes, new races, almost everything has psionic powers. Metal is very rare so most weapons are wood and stone. Being as the weapons are "softer" there is a greater risk for them breaking on a critical failure. The money is based on cp = clay pieces = ~ 1gp. The best armor available is bronze half-plate. There is not steel armor, iron armor does exist but it cost x5 phb price and weighs +50% over listed weight.

Just a brief summary

Post-Apocalyptic actually. If you go by the canon from the 2nd edition, the world is pretty much dead or dying... The sun is nearing the end of its own life cycle as a result of the Creation of Defiling Magic, and the carrying out of an evil halfling overlord's will to exterminate all the lesser races of the planet. Such as Gnomes, Wemics, etc. Athas is more like a post magical fallout kind of setting... magic is feared and hated by people. The Psionics are what I found to be a real problem though... I am working on converting the 3.5 athas.org material into the pathfinder ruleset. Are you using the Expanded Psionics Handbook from 3.5 in your game to handle wild talents?

RavenX September 9th, 2011 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by bodrin (Post 62270)
As an avid psionics supporter I have to agree that both psionics books cover most aspects of the dark sun psionics rules without adjusting too much.

Heck leave em alone as they'll just work as standard options, just tag your races or classes with the psionics tag which should allow psionics feats to be used.

Psionics Unleashed by Dreamscarred Press is what my group is currently using, while I never really allowed them into other settings in older editions because of the brokenness of the psionic combat, Dark Sun was always the exception because it was developed with Psionic abilities in mind. Every Athasian Character gets Wild Talents. I am currently comparing the Will and the Way from 2nd edition with Psionics Unleashed and building my own wild talent tables from the originals. I am trying to keep the psionic element of Dark Sun as it was originally intended to be.

ynnswa September 9th, 2011 02:51 AM

If I remember right, I found the AllPerform/AllCraft/AllKnow/AllSkills thing in an old forum post.

To find most of my "how-to" info, I use two sources. I check the advanced search tool here on the forums, which can be hit and miss depending on how you word things. My main source, though, is mimicking Lawful_g. I downloaded his extensive enhancements to the 3.5 stuff from cheeseweasle.net and installed them. Then when I run into something I can't figure out, I use Notepad++'s "Find in Files" feature to search the entire d20 folder. Even if I can't find the exact thing I'm looking for, I can review how he dealt with save bonuses or spells or whatever and get an idea of where to start. (Lawful_g: Thank you, and please remember that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.)

All that being said, the exotic/martial weapon thing may be tough. In the Editor, the function you are talking about is a trait of the weapon itself. On the custom weapon window you'll see an option for "Easy if Race..." Unfortunately, the editor's help states specifically that it only works with standard races, not user created ones. So if you're working with "new" dwarf race instead of trying to add things to the existing one then it won't work. It might be able to be adjusted in code after the weapon is added to the hero, but that's way beyond my skills at the moment.

RavenX September 11th, 2011 05:59 PM

A quick note to those using the Athas.org materials... I am inputting the races into the editor as they are actually different from the standard races in the books.

Provos September 11th, 2011 06:27 PM

I have already input the races from the Athas.org DS campaign book. I have a working version for d20 if you would like it.

RavenX September 14th, 2011 04:17 PM

I would not mind seeing what you have for it. I am actually using the Pathfinder system rules for it, and have most of the things coded into hero lab, I am using the Athas.org books as source material but am making tweaks and changes. My players do love that elf base land speed is 40 feet though.

I found that the Wordcasting substitution from Ultimate Magic actually works better for Elemental Priests than the standard method.

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