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Dhrakken October 18th, 2016 10:34 AM

I have yet to really use it; it just seems natural to me to have all the core stuff in first and then layer the adventures on top of it. My vision is that eventually, RW and HL will be the only tools I will use for campaign and encounter management. I'll still use roll20 I think as I love the additional functionality it gives (like being able to drop spell effects right on the map) over RW. But hey, I'm not here to debate RW's VTT (or lack thereof) capabilities; I just want content cuz I'm a lazy ass!

Question: when the Bestiaries are available, I assume they will include the HL link/statblocks automatically?

LeeSmith October 18th, 2016 11:31 AM

I'd love to see some "Generic" stuff, as I dont play Pathfinder, I do play Castles and Crusades though.

AEIOU October 18th, 2016 11:40 AM

I'm voting for Modules and Smaller Adventures as I've moved on to 5e and these could be recyclable.

If I wanted PF material, I'd choose the Golarian Campaign Setting. I'm a sandbox person so having the world at my fingertips would be a godsend. Rules and Mobs would be next.

ShadowChemosh October 18th, 2016 11:52 AM

For myself I would like the adventures and world information (ie everything from Pathfinderwiki would be SWEET). The only part of the Bestiary that I would make use of is the Fluff Text and Images. The hard-rules statblock is left to HL to deal. I don't run combat from RW.

I also don't see myself needing core rules mixed with my campaign stuff. To me they are just two very separate things that work better using different tools. In this case using d20pfsrd for the rules and RW for the campaign.

I recently starting entering info for a new Realm for Dragons Demand. I tried putting a few monsters in the mechanics section to see how it would work. I stopped after 3 as I found it allot of work for little gain. Plus visually seeing the statblock in RW is SUPER hard for me to read. I don't know why but looking at the statblock on d20pfsrd is way easier for my eyes to parse the data. :(

Silveras October 18th, 2016 11:55 AM

What is LoneWolf's position viz. Open Game License content?

Specifically, since it is (presumably) legal for any RealmWorks user to enter and re-publish all of the content on the Pathfinder Reference Document as a Realm... what is LoneWolf's expectation along that line?

Tejedor October 18th, 2016 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by neoevax (Post 236376)
i think it is interesting how we all use realm works differently.

I use hero lab for my monsters and encounters, then i load their files into realm works. I use realm works for all the story/towns/npc background/lore/etc. Not the "rules".

I don't think i would use realm works to look up rules or monsters, i would just use the web, or hero lab. But realm works works so much better than trying to scan through the huge book that is rotrls. Looking up who runs the item shop in sandport is a lot harder without realm works than looking up the stats to a beast or rules.

I am not saying how other people use it is wrong, just kinda intrigued how many ways it can be used. Its a testament to how powerful it can be.


Galymyr October 18th, 2016 12:51 PM

I'm going to have to go with the campaign setting. Admittedly I'm very very new to Realm Works but I'm not seeing the value in having the core Rulebooms in RW. I thought RW was supposed to help me manage the intricacies of the game world and all the interactions happening. How does having access to initiative rules in RW help me at all? Am I missing something really awesome about RW?

RexCelestis October 18th, 2016 12:54 PM

I will cast another vote for Rise of the Rune Lords

ShadowChemosh October 18th, 2016 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Silveras (Post 236388)
What is LoneWolf's position viz. Open Game License content?

Specifically, since it is (presumably) legal for any RealmWorks user to enter and re-publish all of the content on the Pathfinder Reference Document as a Realm... what is LoneWolf's expectation along that line?

Good question. That then naturally leads into the thought that if this starts to happen than we could end up with dozens of Pathfinder SRD by different community members. Unlike a wiki no way to work cooperatively "yet" on a single realm.

That seems like both a good and bad thing. :)

BufonP October 18th, 2016 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by NeoEvaX (Post 236376)
I think it is interesting how we all use Realm works differently.

I use Hero Lab for my monsters and encounters, then I load their files into Realm Works. I use Realm works for all the Story/Towns/NPC background/Lore/etc. Not the "rules".

I don't think I would use Realm works to look up rules or monsters, I would just use the web, or Hero Lab. But Realm works works so much better than trying to scan through the huge book that is RotRLs. Looking up who runs the item shop in Sandport is a LOT harder without Realm Works than looking up the stats to a beast or Rules.

I am not saying how other people use it is wrong, just kinda intrigued how many ways it can be used. Its a testament to how powerful it can be.


Originally Posted by Tejedor (Post 236393)

Yeah, THIS.
I use realmworks primarly to build my own stuff or as a compendium of relationships and ownerships for preexisting campaigns.

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