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daplunk November 12th, 2018 11:23 AM

If you are using RW as a VTT then you don't know how much better it can be. Realm Works fog system within maps is horridly inefficient. You need to go to the topic. Open the smart image in edit mode. Make the change with the fog visibility tool. Click save. Wait for the save to update. It's slow, clunky and takes too many clicks.

Give Maptool a go. Switch to map. Click and drag to reveal or hold hot key whole you click and drag to hide. It's quick, efficient and lets you get straight back to running the game.

Now moreicons on maps would be lovely. But not for the purpose of using the tool as a VTT IMO. Not without significant changes to how it currently works.

To make it even an attractive option for me they would need to implement the ability to send it to a third screen. Having one for me, one for the map and one for the player view is just too damn awesome to give up in order to use this for the map.

Chemlak November 12th, 2018 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dark Lord Galen (Post 272584)

and I am preaching to the choir since we all at one point or another have voiced all of these....

No idea what you're talking about, DLG. Nope. Not a clue. Nuh-uh. :D

Acenoid November 12th, 2018 01:26 PM

Still not entirely certain why calendars are so important. Though dates a such a hassle to enter, I hope it will be improved with the upcoming release :D

Good luck for the calendars btw :)

daplunk November 12th, 2018 01:43 PM

Shhh don't prod the Calendar Crew! They get a bit jumpy.

Although I agree... no idea why calendars are so important ;)

kbs666 November 12th, 2018 02:28 PM

Calendars are important because they tie everything else together. I have this huge backstory of my campaign world covering thousands of years of history. Different ages of the world are dated by the dominant race of the time, Dragons, then Elves and finally Men. Then there is the weirdness of lunar calendars, The world has 3 moons. so different nations and cultures base their calendars on different moons, the moon chosen has a lot to do with the preferred magical style of the nation's leaders as each moon is tied to the different styles of magic.

So for example in the Dragon ages there are 2 primary calendars, The metallic dragons calendar which based their calendar on the prepared caster moon, they are mostly clerical casters, while the chromatic dragons calendar is based on the spontaneous moon, they are mostly sorcerers. They also have different year dating schemes. the metallic's begin the roll of years from the first clutch of eggs of Bahamut and his mate. The chromatic's begin their dating with the slaying of Bahamut's mate by Tiamat. So the two calendars are several centuries out of sync.

It gets more complicated from there.

Happydevil43 November 12th, 2018 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by kbs666 (Post 272601)
Calendars are important because they tie everything else together. I have this huge backstory of my campaign world covering thousands of years of history. Different ages of the world are dated by the dominant race of the time, Dragons, then Elves and finally Men. Then there is the weirdness of lunar calendars, The world has 3 moons. so different nations and cultures base their calendars on different moons, the moon chosen has a lot to do with the preferred magical style of the nation's leaders as each moon is tied to the different styles of magic.

So for example in the Dragon ages there are 2 primary calendars, The metallic dragons calendar which based their calendar on the prepared caster moon, they are mostly clerical casters, while the chromatic dragons calendar is based on the spontaneous moon, they are mostly sorcerers. They also have different year dating schemes. the metallic's begin the roll of years from the first clutch of eggs of Bahamut and his mate. The chromatic's begin their dating with the slaying of Bahamut's mate by Tiamat. So the two calendars are several centuries out of sync.

It gets more complicated from there.

Dear god! how the hell do you keep that organised? I am struggling with events happening over a few days let alone eons.
I ended up just downoading the calendars I need from donjon's website and enter links to snippets.... still a big job.

My hat goes off to you.

Merion November 13th, 2018 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by daplunk (Post 272587)
If you are using RW as a VTT then you don't know how much better it can be. Realm Works fog system within maps is horridly inefficient. You need to go to the topic. Open the smart image in edit mode. Make the change with the fog visibility tool. Click save. Wait for the save to update. It's slow, clunky and takes too many clicks.

Give Maptool a go. Switch to map. Click and drag to reveal or hold hot key whole you click and drag to hide. It's quick, efficient and lets you get straight back to running the game.

Now moreicons on maps would be lovely. But not for the purpose of using the tool as a VTT IMO. Not without significant changes to how it currently works.

To make it even an attractive option for me they would need to implement the ability to send it to a third screen. Having one for me, one for the map and one for the player view is just too damn awesome to give up in order to use this for the map.

What you say sounds good, but then I've seen the pictures of your gaming room and I have to say for me (and probably most of us) that is magical christmas land stuff. I have to make do with a laptop and a mediocre tv at my friends house where we play. So a 3rd screen is out of the question for me - unfortunately - and switching between player view for pictures and maptool on the second screen sound kinda unwieldy too.

Once my gaming evironment becomes more sophisticated, maybe I give maptool a shot. But generally I try to use as few tools as possibly because switching between tools breaks my flow as a DM. That's why I wish for RW to be my "gaming cockpit".
I even stopped using the HL tactical console for combat tracking as it's just faster for me to do that on paper. Also that UI drives me nuts. Hopefully HLO gets a smoother combat tracking and if it could be integrated into RW... well, then we're back to my initial post ;)


Originally Posted by Happydevil43 (Post 272605)
Dear god! how the hell do you keep that organised?

More importantly: how do your players keep up with that?
I once tried a rather simple custom calender with 10 months, each with 3 weeks consisting of 10 days and gave the days and months the names of kings and gods.
When, after nearly two years, my players still had no effing clue what the days and months where called and which ones were during which season, I ditched the whole concept and went back to using our real world calender.
So yeah, I don't get the calender hype either, but it seems important to some and if I recall correctly, it was a highly wished for feature when they did a survey a few years back.

kbs666 November 13th, 2018 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by Happydevil43 (Post 272605)
Dear god! how the hell do you keep that organised? I am struggling with events happening over a few days let alone eons.
I ended up just downoading the calendars I need from donjon's website and enter links to snippets.... still a big job.

My hat goes off to you.

I have spreadsheets lots and lots of spreadsheets.

How do my players? Mostly every time it comes up, the same way people IRL deal with dating schemes they're unfamiliar with, by trying to convert to the one they are familiar with. If you pass a synagogue and see a cornerstone that says the building was constructed in 5707 do you instantly know what that means? Or if it is relevant some reason do you look it up and find out the conversion, Sept. 1946 through Sept. 1947 CE for the interested.

Which is why having calendars in RW would make it so much better. Automatic linking of events with dates, and conversion between calendars, and a combined searchable timeline would make the campaigns history be much more a part of the whole world.

Acenoid November 13th, 2018 11:04 AM

Hopefully they iron out their product first now, get some sales, positive feedback and then later on in the process set some further goals. Make them dlcs / expansions to get some money for it too. After it has been developed (or kickstart it if it must be...)

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