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salcor April 29th, 2017 10:43 AM

Do those 2 files need changed to .user files? Or is .dat an appropriate file extension?

TCArknight April 29th, 2017 12:06 PM

.dat is fine, especially for the tab one...

salcor April 30th, 2017 03:26 AM

Cool, thanks. So any thought on where you want to nest the Iconic Framework abilities? I guess edges would probably work, although they could be racial abilities as well. If they are edges then the baseline edges would have to be hidden from the user.


zarlor April 30th, 2017 03:50 AM

TCArknight, you might want to put together some kind of readme or quick guide for folks to work from on how to use github and potentially git itself to work on this. Like maybe setting up branches for specific sections of the work or such. This guide for github might help (https://guides.github.com/activities...-world/#branch). Maybe something like Git for WIndows (https://git-for-windows.github.io/) or other of the Git tools (https://git-scm.com/) would be helpful for some folks as well.

Then it's a question of coordinating your collaboration, which you could either do here or potentially on github to figure out who might be working on what as well as what needs to be worked on. I would think you might be on the right track for now with separate .user/.dat files for specific sections folks might be working on but it would probably be helpful for folks to know where things stand to get an idea on where to continue the work. Once it's ready for primetime presumably it would be best to consolidate it all back into a single .1st and .user file if it's going to be published through the standard update mechanism, anyway. Personally, as a user of HL, I find the one setting that is a tad annoying to work with is the older Hellfrost files because they aren't consolidated into a single file. That could just be me, though. Certainly for collaboration purposes I would guess breaking them out like that is probably a lot easier.

I really look forward to seeing how that works out. I may have to see how that works for you and maybe look at doing that for some newer setting files whenever I can get back to working on some. I know WWI needs to be done and The Goon and Fear Agent are on the horizon now too...

GunbunnyFuFu May 8th, 2017 03:51 PM

Is there a way to over ride requirements? For example, Power Armor Jock requires Agility, Strength, and Vigor of d6+, however, Glitter Boy pilots get the advantage for free, regardless of requirements (or at least that is what I'm lead to believe).


Paragon May 8th, 2017 09:06 PM

I believe a Bootstrap will do that, but I'm not sure. There's some code in the Super-Power Companion for allowing Super Edges that ignores that stuff; if the bootstrap doesn't work (or more likely, works but throws an error) I check and see what was done there.

CapedCrusader May 9th, 2017 12:21 PM

There are two tags you can use for this.
Helper.IgnoreRank should disable Rank checks.
thing.skipprereq should disable all Prereq checks.

TCArknight May 10th, 2017 07:59 AM

Thanks CC, that will be a big help for a few other things too.

Another thing I think I want to do, is I've been splitting the racial abilities between abilities and properties, but now I understand that really they should all be properties. So, will be doing a slight rework there.

salcor May 10th, 2017 09:07 AM


How where you planning on setting up the iconic framework sbilities? Where you going to use edges or racial abilities?


TCArknight May 12th, 2017 07:16 AM

I think going with Racial abilities in a separate file for now, but I may try to create a new component and tab for them.

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