View Full Version : Alternate Spell Casting

November 21st, 2009, 09:03 PM
As more of a mental excise - how or where would you put something like the below:

Rather then using fixed spell availability (known/usable), have each level of spell casting gained grant a number of spell points which can be used to cast spells. Level of spell available would also depend on the class.

I see this being tied to the class as a class ability I guess, in which you gain ranks as you progress (hmmm may just have just answered my own question :) ).

Anyway - how could this be done within Hero Lab?

November 22nd, 2009, 05:07 AM
This is a total guess... but maybe look into the mechanics of how they implemented Ki for the monk and duplicate a variation of that for your spell points?

November 22nd, 2009, 08:40 AM
Wait until I have the time to convert psionics. That uses a spell-point like system. You would re-create your classes and spells as psionic classes and powers. You could always experiment with the d20 files.

November 22nd, 2009, 01:30 PM
Thank Mathias - sounds like I just have to exercise patience :)

March 13th, 2010, 08:45 PM
i am trying to find out how to pull Spell Cast Per Day (level 1) from a class list into the calculation above, thereby making a tracker (Power Points)

~Power Point calculation is equal to Level 1 Spells Per Day
~+ Half level * Wis Mod
~+ Feat bonuses etc
~our maximum uses is 1/2 our monk level + WIS bonus
var bonus as number
bonus = field[pSpellCast].arrayvalue[2]
bonus = bonus + field[xAllLev].value /2
bonus = round(bonus,1, -0.5)
field[trkMax].value += bonus * hero.child[aWIS].field[aModBonus].value

March 15th, 2010, 02:38 AM
I got this to work
~Power Point calculation is equal to Level 1 Spells Per Day
~+ Half level * Wis Mod
~+ Feat bonuses etc
~Check if Psi Talent exists, and count the number of times it does
~ this is done on the Feat it self

~our maximum uses is 1/2 our psychic warrior level + WIS bonus
var bonus as number
var pow as number
bonus = field[xAllLev].value/2
bonus = bonus * hero.child[aWIS].field[aModBonus].value
bonus = round(bonus,0,-1)
pow = hero.childfound[cHelpPwr].field[cCastMax].arrayvalue[1]
bonus = bonus + pow
field[trkMax].value += bonus

basically list your Spell Points as level 1 spells cast per day