View Full Version : Print layout for PF2 playtest

October 8th, 2018, 01:24 PM
I know that HLO was primarily designed for online use/play, but many of us still rely heavily on printed sheets for several reasons:
1) Poor tablet/android support and not everyone has/uses PCs
2) Poor wifi/Internet at certain locations
3) Old-school paper/pencil bias and feel

To this point, we'd really like to see some changes to the Print layout - either as standard or as options - to help reorganize the pages/panels/content.

I should probably point out that at least some of these requests also come as a criticism of the official PF2 character sheets and several other online templates/forms/etc. - i.e. it's not just HLO.

One suggestion was to organize by play Modes, with the top sheet focused on Encounter Mode and paring stuff down to Stats/Speed/Hit Points/Defenses/Saves/Weapons[Melee|Ranged]/Actions and maybe any combat-relevant Abilities/etc., second/additional sheets focused around Exploration Mode listing Skills/Feats/Abilities/Etc. and a third section focusing on Equipment/Spells/Expanded Descriptions/etc.

To help enhance/trim the one-page-only Encounter Mode sheet, we thought that a "Show on Encounter Page" checkbox would be good for Weapons, Consumable Equipment (e.g. potions/etc.), Abilities/Feats/etc. that the player felt were especially applicable to their character's combat and that most should default to the other sections.

Similarly, descriptions of Equipment/Spells/Feats/Features/Powers/etc. should all be kept to a short summary but should definitely include key statistics such as Action number/type, Range, Hardness, AC and check bonuses/penalties, etc. - i.e. stuff that directly impacts Encounters and Exploration - and that more detailed descriptions should be either hidden or left for the optional Detail appendix.

Right now - much like the official PF2 sheet and rulebook as a whole, there is a ton of flipping back and forth looking up modifiers, bonuses, penalties, ranges, handedness, Traits, etc. Since most Weapon and Armor Traits directly affect e.g. Actions and effects, these should be listed (in fine print) on the Encounter page. Bulk, on the other hand, more directly affects Exploration and thus could be on part of a main equipment list.

Similarly, spellcasters need both a "Quick Pick" sheet that lists in tabular form all available/memorized spells (checkboxes to show prepped/used), actions, levels, ranges/AoE, attack type or save type/DC and a very brief summary of effects/damage. They also may need a full "Spellbook" that lists all available spells by level, optionally with additional details as it can be tedious to look up all of the crunch during a combat.

I recognize this is not going to be optimal for everyone and I'd love to hear what others have been doing along these lines...



October 9th, 2018, 02:12 AM
There have been a couple of posts about the current print layout. It is currently not ideal and LW are aware, it is a patience game while the product continues to develop at the moment.