View Full Version : Daemon Characters should not be able to join mortal units

October 21st, 2005, 02:06 PM
According to page 29 of Hordes of Chaos a Daemonic character should not be able to join a unit of non-daemons. But Army Builder accepts that I include for instance an Exalted Daemon in a Marauder unit (by drag and drop). Its also possible the other way around - say an Aspiring Champion joins a unit of Mounted Daemonettes.

October 22nd, 2005, 07:22 AM
This shouldn't be a difficult fix as they already seem to have a tag for deamon/mortal/whatever but I'm willing to bet it's going to end up being a warning rather then a preventative measure...

October 24th, 2005, 03:04 AM
This is not an error, not all gamers organize their Army List the same way. You could for example make a unit called "War Machines" and drag and drop all your machines under it. They're not in the same unit when it comes to gaming but if that's the way someone wants to make their list more readable it should be fine. Same could be done to "Heroes", "Fast Cavalry" and "Infantry".

This has come up before. FAQ stuff maybe?

November 21st, 2005, 07:24 PM
as deathlynx says, i will put this on the list to add as a warning. thx