View Full Version : Fonts, bold and indents not saving?

January 27th, 2017, 08:45 PM
Hello and thanks for any help. I am new to the program and could only stand about 2 hours of reading and videos before I had to start tinkering, so I apologize if I missed something obvious.

I am copy and pasting some info from a pdf file and I am bolding some parts, indenting others by hitting [enter] to make sure it has a line break and then hitting the space bar twice.

I've also changed the font, and not to anything weird, just 11 point Times New Roman, by selecting individual parts and also but doing a ctl-A and changing it all. I've also tried dumping things into Notepad that I get from the pdf with a ctl-v and then doing doing a ctl-a, ctl-c to select all and copy it before pasting into RW.

Now when I save changes using ctl-E or by clicking on something out and choosing yes if it asks if I want to save, I see it revert back to previous fonts or unbolding, etc right before my eyes. It doesn't always seem to do it and while writing this I tried it a few times to see if I could give more info and it didn't do it, but when I copied a paragraph that was in Time New Roman 11 and tried pasting it into a new item (sorry, don't remember all the terms) it pasted with part of it in Tahoma 11 point, and some in Tahoma 9 point. *shrug* Weird!

Is there a way to set a default font type and size and why am I getting such odd results. It doesn't ruin by info, but it drives my OCD nuts. Thanks for any help.

I am running a clean install of Windows 10 I just installed 2 days ago, if that matters.

January 27th, 2017, 08:54 PM
OMG, I just went back to some of the things after creating a new item and things changed back again including fonts and indentations and a spelling error! I work under these crazy conditions. It's like OCD writer torture!

January 27th, 2017, 08:58 PM
Something is wrong here. This is not normal.

January 27th, 2017, 09:01 PM
When i copy-paste from word it occasionally changes the fonts but not after i format it in RW...odd

January 27th, 2017, 09:30 PM
I almost always strip all formatting, convert to RW default of Tahoma and change to RW default font size. I've only experience stuff like you are experiencing when I try to paste formatted text into RW. Your mileage may vary.

January 27th, 2017, 09:50 PM
I've had really bad results with pasting from PDF if I didn't strip all formatting first. What the op is describing sounds a lot like some of the stuff I dealt with back when I tried that.

January 28th, 2017, 07:00 AM
I had those issues too and have noticed if the text has new lines with only CR (carriage return) or LF (line feed) it get messed up with formatting, but mostly CR as far as I remember.
If CR+LR are both present as a new line it works fine.
Many texts I have copied over CTRL+C has only CR or LF but not CR+LF.

The invisible paragraph for those is the symbol similiar to the Enter-Key at the keyboard. (Making a new line with SHIFT-Enter will show the same symbol too).
Try to change those new lines with a normal "enter".

I hope I am not completely wrong with that new line stuff. :-)
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newline )

January 28th, 2017, 07:16 AM
If I may add something more, I'm not sure how RW stores spaces, but HTML rendering strips all spaces except 1. So if you are aligning stuff using spaces, that will probably not work.

For the formatting issue, I don't remember experiencing that. But I also strip all formatting when pasting from PDF, using the special paste (Ctrl+Alt+V) and using the Unformatted text as a single paragraph option.

January 28th, 2017, 12:08 PM
Come to think of it I practically never paste with formatting. My default option is to strip formatting. You can set default size and font in the settings then which applies to the whole realm.

January 30th, 2017, 05:52 AM
I have had lots of weird issues with formatting in RW.

I always use the CTRL+ALT+V when pasting to strip all formatting to default.
Sometimes after I am done, I cannot actually apply any formatting to text, its greyed out. the entire ribbon. Even if I save it is still greyed out, I have to actually go to another topic, then back again, enable editing and then I can apply formatting.

My worst issue, which still happens is the formatting of text I did not highlight. I would have to video my work, every time to get it on camera, but essentially I have a screenie of what happened, which I can show.

I highlighted the red circled text "sleeping drug."
I then applied BOLD + RED TEXT formatting.
But the second red circle I show what was actually formatted.
The formatting was applied to the word "in", in a totally different snippet.
This happens from time to time, used to be so much I just auto corrected it on the fly. Now its rarer and catches me off guard.

This was after many saves, I apply formatting last, and I use it liberally:
RED TEXT + BOLD + UNDERLINE = trap, hostile entity, or something dangerous.

This helps GM see the dangers quickly in the topic.

PURPLE TEXT + BOLD + ITALIC = Item of value.

This helps high light them for the GM. This is especially great for stat blocks, where a GM might easily miss the magic items an enemy may posses or use on the party.

January 30th, 2017, 08:19 AM
Exmortis, I've seen the same behavior. I've also found that many times the only formatting that will work is those on the 'Style' section. I can't get bullets to work consistantly from either the format ribbon menu, or the context menu.

January 30th, 2017, 09:18 AM

I have a theory (probably completely unfounded and certainly not based on hard evidence) that something goes astray in the way that RW uses HTML.

1: What you write:

Under the old painting there is a trap.

2: Pseudo-code within RW:

<p>Under the <i><b><font color="purple">old painting</i></b></font> there is <u><b><font color="red">a trap</u></b></font>.</p>

RW sometimes acts like it is counting the characters (letters, numbers, spaces) under 1 (39) and sometimes as under 2 (whether that should be counted as 127 or 53 I don't know - it is all pseudo-code anyway).

If RW mixes those up it could explain your weird placement of the red text far from where you intended.

It would certainly explain my experience when I move to the very end of a line (maybe by using End on the keyboard). More often than not I can not move the cursor up or down using the arrow keys. Only if I move the cursor one invisible step to the left (it doesn't move on screen) can I go up and down. Something like this:

| = cursor

end of line.<p>|

I can't move up or down here.

One (invisible) step to the left:

end of line.|<p>

Now I can move the cursor in all direction.
Anyone else experienced that?

January 30th, 2017, 10:21 AM
It would certainly explain my experience when I move to the very end of a line (maybe by using End on the keyboard). More often than not I can not move the cursor up or down using the arrow keys. Only if I move the cursor one invisible step to the left (it doesn't move on screen) can I go up and down. Something like this:

| = cursor

end of line.<p>|

I can't move up or down here.

One (invisible) step to the left:

end of line.|<p>

Now I can move the cursor in all direction.
Anyone else experienced that?

@Vargr: I run into this frequently. My work-around has always been to mouse-click another entry and then I can freely arrow up/down again. This has just become second nature to me....

The reason I almost always strip coding is that I've had crash issues if I copy PDF info and save it without change. I think there may either be some hidden high ASCII causing the problem or maybe a misplaced html code. By stripping the coding so I end up with Tahoma 9pt or whatever, I never have this issue.

January 30th, 2017, 10:26 AM
I have this problem even if I just write my own text with no formatting.

No import, no paste, no PDF involved.

January 31st, 2017, 05:26 AM

I never apply the different formatting to the same snippet. I attached a screenie to show what a fully kitted out topic looks like.

Also almost all the time ( I can't remember it being different, but never discount my ability to forget), the formatting different text then I highlight happened only the first time I attempted to apply formatting in a snippet.

Now I will highlight a new error that I just seen now, in fact this represents twice now since last update. The first I just chalked it up to an anomaly but now I am seeing this a second time, and my god this could be huge if manual links are going haywire on me.

You will notice that the formatting is in different snippets, I don't mix and match.

January 31st, 2017, 05:33 AM
That new error is what I see in snippets that I have set a manual link. In that screenie the haywire text should have been normal text, with a manual link set to "room 25c".

I am going to have to go through each and every realm......I converted them from legacy to other, and did a back up. But I am going to lose a lot of work on this realm if I have to revert.

February 11th, 2017, 02:33 PM
Does this issue still persist? I believe we fixed one thing that MIGHT have solved this particular problem, but I want to verify. If the problem still exists, please make sure we have an open support ticket regarding it.


February 12th, 2017, 01:08 PM
Hi there!

I always had similar formating errors, copy paste bugs not as frequently as you guys, but hopefully you all submitted bugs! I have recently started again to add data and Iam also submitting :D (but no format bugs to report yet)

February 12th, 2017, 11:26 PM
I am not sure, if it is related, but I have a minor bug regarding fonts. Some versions ago RW introduced invisible characters of a symbol font into my snippets. IIRC I filed a support ticket back then. The behavior disappeared after a version upgrade.

Since a week or two, the behavior reappeared. RW sets invisible characters in the font DajaVu Math Tex Gyre at the beginning and end of some snippets and at the beginning and end of text I copy into snippets via Paste.

February 13th, 2017, 06:14 AM
Does this issue still persist? I believe we fixed one thing that MIGHT have solved this particular problem, but I want to verify. If the problem still exists, please make sure we have an open support ticket regarding it.


I sure will if it persists, wasn't able to do any work recently in RW since update.

February 21st, 2017, 01:04 AM
I am not sure, if it is related, but I have a minor bug regarding fonts. Some versions ago RW introduced invisible characters of a symbol font into my snippets. IIRC I filed a support ticket back then. The behavior disappeared after a version upgrade.

Since a week or two, the behavior reappeared. RW sets invisible characters in the font DajaVu Math Tex Gyre at the beginning and end of some snippets and at the beginning and end of text I copy into snippets via Paste.

Please make sure you open a support ticket about this and include as much detail as you can discern about what's going on. I'm not sure what could be happening from the description, but it sure sounds bizarre.

February 22nd, 2017, 07:29 AM
Please make sure you open a support ticket about this and include as much detail as you can discern about what's going on. I'm not sure what could be happening from the description, but it sure sounds bizarre.

Bug reported.

March 11th, 2018, 03:05 AM
I am not sure, if it is related, but I have a minor bug regarding fonts. Some versions ago RW introduced invisible characters of a symbol font into my snippets. IIRC I filed a support ticket back then. The behavior disappeared after a version upgrade.

Since a week or two, the behavior reappeared. RW sets invisible characters in the font DajaVu Math Tex Gyre at the beginning and end of some snippets and at the beginning and end of text I copy into snippets via Paste.

The problem reappeared again. This time, RW sets the characters or spaces in the font Amiri. And it seems to happen most frequently whenever I duplicate a topic. But RW does also tend to re-insert those spaces after I have deleted them by hand and saved the topic.

Shall I open an new support ticket?

March 13th, 2018, 06:22 AM
Greebo, yes, please do submit a new support ticket.

March 13th, 2018, 11:20 PM
Greebo, yes, please do submit a new support ticket.


March 19th, 2018, 07:44 AM
Amendment: The characters seem to get set i.a. during linking.

March 20th, 2018, 07:22 AM
And whenever I add a snippet in the same section of a topic.

January 9th, 2019, 02:52 AM
Update: The bus still persists in RW Version .250. Everytime I save a topic RW sets an invisible character in the font Amiri at the very beginning of every edited snippet.

January 9th, 2019, 06:24 AM
Update: The bus still persists in RW Version .250. Everytime I save a topic RW sets an invisible character in the font Amiri at the very beginning of every edited snippet.

Curiouser and curiouser...

Although we've had reasons to use invisible characters, we think there's been cases where particular fonts interfered with those characters being hidden away and unnoticeable.

It might help if you went through your fonts to see if any particular one is interfering. Any that are installed as part of Windows should be safe, but if you installed any custom fonts, perhaps one of them is interacting with Realm Works in an interfering way?

And if you happen to locate such a meddlesome font... please let us know what it is.

Realllly hoping it's not a font called "Meddlesome."

January 9th, 2019, 07:39 AM
Never noticed it before you mentioned particular fonts as possible cause, Rone, but my LotR Realm using Tahoma as standard font does behave properly, whereas my science fantasy realm using a font called Shadowrun as standard snippet style shows the bug.

January 9th, 2019, 11:48 AM
Perhaps we're closing in!