View Full Version : How to indent sub-entries?

January 23rd, 2017, 08:17 AM
New user, love the program.

What is the switch, setting, or button that allows to indent entries in the Almanac view? For example with "Places", I create an area, populate the fields, done. Now I want to add places inside that area, specifically when displayed they are indented for easy visual reference.

I have no difficulty adding entries, just trying to get them to visually indent in Almanac views.

Thanks in advance!

January 23rd, 2017, 09:22 AM
Hi Warrant,

I believe what you are looking for is called the Container/Contained topic. When you create a new topic, you can select on the right (may need to click on the Advanced button), which is the parent container. Once you have created your topic, it should be visible under the selected topic.

If you have already created the topic, you can either move it manually (using the mouse, drag and drop the topic on the parent topic, it should ask do you wish to have it contained by the topic, say yes) or you can do it through the topic edit mode: on the right-hand pane, you should have Containing Topic. Click the + button and select the topic you wish as the parent.

January 23rd, 2017, 09:27 AM
Create the "new places" as contained topics within the "area".

Right-click on the created "Area", select [Create Contained Topic].
In the sub-form select the type of topic (Places) then the category (Location or Region:geographical), add a name and hit create.

Make sure the correct display mode is on -
above the topics, in the text box that says "World Almanac" (or the name of your view)
click on the [Hammer & Wrench] icon and select: [Show Containing Topic Hierarchy].

January 24th, 2017, 08:33 AM
Thanks guys! I'll check it out this afternoon. :)

January 24th, 2017, 05:44 PM
Perfect fix. Seems I was not selecting "Container" when trying to drag-and-drop, now it works as needed. Thanks!