View Full Version : Still can't figure out how to set skill pre-reqs...

February 16th, 2012, 01:56 PM
I still cannot figure out how to add skill pre-reqs for new skills and edges. I can get everything to come up EXCEPT the pre-reqs. I've asked this question before and what I need is an answer in plain, none technical terms. I need precise instructions as quite frankly, for as easy as the rest of the customization is, the skill pre-reqs have got me seriously stumped.

February 16th, 2012, 06:02 PM
OK, Open the Editor and bring up the Edge or Skill you want to add the pre-req to.

There are two types of Skill pre-reqs to deal with, those with Domains and those without. Most don't use a Domain, but Skills with a specific focus like Knowledge do.

For most Skills, click on Expr-reqs, It brings up the Edit Expression Requirements window. Go ahead and Click to add another expression requirement.

Each record in this window is a new requirement. The top line the message that gets displayed in red when the pre-req condition is not met.

The row of check boxes you can basically leave alone, they're set right to begin with.

Then the expression. To test for a Skill, use the following equation:
#traitfound[skShooting] >= 3
In this instance, we're saying that the Shooting Skill must be d6 or higher. The die type is set by taking the die type and dividing by 2, and that's the index number used. Once you get above d12, just keep adding one to the index number for each +1 over 12 (d12+1 is 7, d12+2 is 8, etc...). Inside the square brackets you'll need to put the id tag of the Skill you want to test for. You can use the Find Thing... button on the right for a list of items and their tags. Use the drop down to filter for what you're after.

To test for an Attribute, use this:
#trait[attrSma] >= 4
Here, you use the id tag of the Attribute (in this case Smarts) and the die type to test for, which in this case is index 4, a d8.

Now, testing for a Knowledge Skill is a little trickier. For this one, we go a button lower and click on Pre-reqs. It brings up the Edit Pre-requisites window. Click to add another pre-requisite. Again, the top line is the error message displayed when a pre-req hasn't been met. The checkboxes are OK here, too.

Now, the good part. In the code window, it goes like this:

foreach pick in hero where "thingid.skKnow"
if (compare(lowercase(eachpick.field[domDomain].text),"battle") = 0) then
validif (eachpick.field[trtFinal].value >= 3)

In this case, we're checking that Knowledge(Battle) is at least a d6. It goes through each Knowledge Skill. If the text inside the double quotes on the second line matches the lower case version of the text in the Focus field for the Skill, it then checks the value of the Skill die against the number on line 3 as before. (So make sure what's inside the double quotes on line 2 is all lower case!)

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.

February 16th, 2012, 07:29 PM
Since I edited that to add the text, I realized it wouldn't show up as new. So, bump.