View Full Version : Hero Lab & Initiation ...

September 23rd, 2011, 03:55 PM
Any suggestions on how to add to the Initiation options? Looking mainly for ordeals, options for adepts (power point instead of a metamagic pick) or even a 'Boon' option like Pathfinder has (our GM dumped us thru a mana rift to Steampunk Land & gave us a 20% discount to our next initiation).

September 26th, 2011, 09:19 AM
In the next update, I'll be adding a Karma Cost adjustment to the Permanent Adjustments table on the Personal tab that can change the cost of an advancement you've added, but proper handling of these will be added with the rest of Street Magic, down the road.

I'll also add a Metamagic Powers adjustment (Adept Power Points is already there), so that you can implement that trade.

September 28th, 2011, 09:23 PM
Can we get a cost adjustment tab to for adept power? for the cost adjustment when following the Paths from the adept path book. until all that info is put in the program later. Or even a custom adept power/ability option in adept powers so we can input our own along with a custom cost. By custom adept power/ability i mean similiar to how you can do that in positive and negative qualites when selecting them.

September 29th, 2011, 12:24 AM

Will the Karma cost adjustment be applied just to the personal tab or would it be possible to do something similar to what you did with the World of Darkness stuff and just have an adjustment to the cost as it is selected? As a G.M. that runs the game, I would rather have an adjustment option in the actual cost when something is purchased, similar to what you did in the World of Darkness tab.

One of the things I do with my group in World of Darkness is give them a special deduction to the XP cost of an increase when the player character scores a critical success (5 or more successes) on a dice roll for the skill used. The deduction is 1 xp, but the players love it. I would not mind being able to do this in Shadowrun as well.

Just wanted to throw in my two cents on this issue.


September 29th, 2011, 01:51 PM
I apologize, but I didn't end up having enough time to finish this before the update had to be published. I'll get these for the next update.

Varg Silvermane
June 10th, 2012, 10:35 AM
Has this been patched in yet? I can't seem to find the adept initiation option under metamagic, nor can i find the optional rule in the hero config.

June 10th, 2012, 10:36 AM
It's on the Personal tab, in the permanent Adjustments table - the "Advancement Karma Cost" adjustment.

June 10th, 2012, 10:37 AM
If you were referring to the metamagic/initiation question, and not the advancement cost question, go to the Help menu, and choose "Shadowrun FAQ" for that answer.

Varg Silvermane
June 10th, 2012, 12:55 PM
hmm, ok. Thats a little counter-intuitive, but it works even though initiation metamagic choice would have to remain un-chosen.
It would make more sense to have the option as a checkbox for optional rules, then under advances-> new advancement-> magic-initiation-> adept initiation.

June 10th, 2012, 03:15 PM
No, you don't have to leave an initiation metamagic unchosen - you reduce the number of those that need to be chosen as well as increasing the number of adept powers to choose.

Varg Silvermane
June 10th, 2012, 06:09 PM
ah ok, i was getting confused with the advancement karma cost part. I just ignored that bit, added initiation, added a power point, and removed the metamagic. everything works ok now.