View Full Version : Traits - Item Selection -Custom Skills

July 26th, 2010, 09:30 PM
In Traits, under Item Selection, how do you make a list of skills (including know, craft, etc).

I am trying this:

thingid.skProfSold|thingid.skKnowArca|thingid.skKn owHist|skCompUse|thingid.skCraftCrWritin|thingid.s kLinguist|thingid.skKnowArt|thingid.skKnowBehavior |thingid.skKnowBusiness

But it will not pick up the know and/or craft skills.

The Script is, (and seems to work fine) is:

if (field[usrChosen1].ischosen <> 0) then
perform field[usrChosen1].chosen.assign[Helper.ClassSkill]

Thank you

July 27th, 2010, 08:25 AM
You have a space in skKn owHist - if that's in your code, it will invalidate the whole thing.

You have no thingid. in front of skCompUse.

skCraftCrWritin is longer than 10 characters, so that's invalid, as are skKnowBehavior and skKnowBusiness.

Any errors in the expression will invalidate the whole expression. If the expression is invalid, Hero Lab will let you select from everything.

July 27th, 2010, 08:38 AM
ok, cool. Is there a limit on how many skills I can list?

July 27th, 2010, 08:50 AM
40, I believe. There's also a separate 1000 character limit on the amount of text you can enter into that field, and you'll probably hit that limit at around 20 items.

At the bottom of most things in the editor (including skills), is a User Tags button. Go to one of these skills, create a new tag, save that thing, and close the editor.

Now press ctrl-r to get a quick reload, and re-open the editor.

Now, for all the other skills in the same category, you can use their User tags button to give them the same user tag.

Let's say your user tag was "SphinxSkl" (you mentioned sphinx in another message, so I didn't know if they were related).

You'll put "Custom.SphinxSkl" into the tag expression, and the expression will now look for anything that tag has been applied to, which is how you get around typing in very long expressions.

July 27th, 2010, 08:53 AM
Alright, cleaned it up a bit, still bothing to chose from

thingid.skProfSold|thingid.skKnowArca|thingid.skKn owHist|thingid.skCompUse|thingid.skKnowArt

Sorry, driving me nutts,lol

July 27th, 2010, 08:59 AM
Got this to work
thingid.skBluff|thingid.skDiplo|thingid.skKnowLoc| thingid.skPercep|thingid.skSenseMot|thingid.skStea lth
but the know skill will not show up?

July 27th, 2010, 09:20 AM
Yep same issue as was in this post (http://forums.wolflair.com/showpost.php?p=41839&postcount=6) I am pretty sure. Usually for traits and such that have a selection of skills(ie drop down box) it only shows the skills that are actually part of the hero. So Knowledge skills are NOT added by default to all characters. Try adding the skill under the Skills tab first and see then if it can be selected by the trait.

This is the same for Profession and Craft skills also.

July 27th, 2010, 09:23 AM
Yep, I think that is the issue. Hum, looks like the simple way is not going to work. Need to think of something else.