View Full Version : Free-Spirited Flaw

July 22nd, 2010, 09:27 PM
Hi all -
I need some help with the following Flaw.
It's the Effect of course that I can't figure out.
How do I make it that by taking the flaw your encumbrance is doubles (and tripled for swimming)?

I appreciate the help.

{b}Prerequisite{/b}: Chaotic alignment.

{b}Effect{/b}: The weight of any gear you carry is considered double for the purposes od determining your load. For example, a half-elf with a Strength of 10 and 30 pounds of gear is treated as carrying 60 pounds, which is a medium load. In addition any armor check penalties you have are also doubled (or tripled, in the case of making a swim check).

{bSuggest Class/ Race{/b}: Half-Elf.

{bSource{/b}: Dragon Magazine #328 (Nobody's Perfect - New Flaws for Nonhumas).

I've been doing several 3.5 Dragon Magazine Feats and Flaws for our home game HeroLab files, but I can also put them up on the d20PFSRD site if others would like them. Its no where complete - more like what options I think we might want to take. But I'll offer them none-the-less.

Theocrat Issak