View Full Version : AP's HL Content

June 24th, 2010, 05:17 PM
Hi all -
I'm reviewing the content from the Adventure Path's and what from them is in HL. For PFS none of the Rise of the Runelords is open for play, yet in the configure hero settings, it's one of the options under the SRD (going to Legacy of Fire), while Council of Thieves and Kingmaker are under Pathfinder Adventure Path.
I'm unsure what this means. Is all the content from Runelords in HL? With it not being permitted for PFS, I must uncheck that in my hero settings. What about the other AP's?

On another note, I've seen posts in reference to SRD content. Are these the d20 mechanics or are these d20 mechanics that have been modified to fit Pathfinder? The SRD Animals and magic items - what are these?

I'm going to be working on Cities of Golarion now that Seeker of Secrets is done, but only because I don't quite understand what is and isn't done in the AP's. But my first work on Cities will be only that which is permissible in PFS.

Be Well.
Theocrat Issak

June 24th, 2010, 06:18 PM
I was reviewing some Paizo forum stuff - and saw that all the 3.5/OGL AP's are not allowed for PFS. Hmm, guess I need to make sure those are unchecked for PFS character creation.

June 25th, 2010, 01:18 AM
The player's guides from the earlier APs are available, but not content from the APs themselves. Admittedly the majority of rules content allowed from those guides are reprinted in the Adventurer's Armory.

June 25th, 2010, 08:00 AM
In the editor, you've seen that at the end of most things there's a "Not Allowed for Pathfinder Society Characters", right? I've gone through all the content I've added and checked that for everything that doesn't belong. So, yes, you can still check RotRL, but all of its content will give an error when added to a Pathfinder Society character.