View Full Version : cannot open file for BB

May 8th, 2010, 03:01 PM
newest version of AB newest version of BB files but when i try to open i get a message that says it wont open due to following errors:
The data files could not be loaded due to the following errors:

unit 'chhead' - Value for stat 'Ag' is outside bounds for numeric stat (1 to 10)
unit 'chhead' - Value for stat 'Av' is outside bounds for numeric stat (1 to 10)
unit 'chhead' - Value for stat 'Mv' is outside bounds for numeric stat (1 to 11)
unit 'chhead' - Value for stat 'St' is outside bounds for numeric stat (1 to 10)
unit 'chliche' - Value for stat 'Ag' is outside bounds for numeric stat (1 to 10)
unit 'chliche' - Value for stat 'Av' is outside bounds for numeric stat (1 to 10)
unit 'chliche' - Value for stat 'Mv' is outside bounds for numeric stat (1 to 11)
unit 'chliche' - Value for stat 'St' is outside bounds for numeric stat (1 to 10)
unit 'chmchef' - Value for stat 'Ag' is outside bounds for numeric stat (1 to 10)
unit 'chmchef' - Value for stat 'Av' is outside bounds for numeric stat (1 to 10)
unit 'chmchef' - Value for stat 'Mv' is outside bounds for numeric stat (1 to 11)
unit 'chmchef' - Value for stat 'St' is outside bounds for numeric stat (1 to 10)
unit 'chnecro' - Value for stat 'Ag' is outside bounds for numeric stat (1 to 10)
unit 'chnecro' - Value for stat 'Av' is outside bounds for numeric stat (1 to 10)
unit 'chnecro' - Value for stat 'Mv' is outside bounds for numeric stat (1 to 11)
unit 'chnecro' - Value for stat 'St' is outside bounds for numeric stat (1 to 10)


December 15th, 2010, 10:26 AM
Same issue here, I tried to delete and reinstall the data files no help.. anybody know the author? I just got into the game, I might be able to recreate/fix the files if no one else is.

January 2nd, 2011, 09:51 AM
Can someone please try and fix this for AB3.3

January 12th, 2011, 06:28 PM
there is an easy way to fix this user-end....

1. Open Army Builder, and load any game system that works (such ahs warhammer, the example, it can be any that laods without an error).

2. Select the "Develop" Menu option (Alt + D)

3. Uncheck "Enable Data File Debugging"

Your problems should now be solved.